Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Weird Wednesday

Shorty wouldn't wake up.

10am and she's still all wrapped up in her blankets snoozing away. I went in and roused her a few times, usually by now though she's in the middle of everything.

Finally 10:30 I opened her curtains and took a good look. Other than the monkey breath, she's grey. Her skin matches the sky outside, her bright blue eyes are grey too. Huh...thats odd.

She's the kid that doesn't get sick!

Ok darlin, lets get some toast in you. Nibble nibble.

"Mommy, I need rest" she says.

So at 11am, she's snuggling on the couch under her WIP blanket. Still grey, but dressed, partially fed and the eyes are open.

I don't like it when she's sick, probably because it is a rare occurance.

So that means, today's plans are SHOT. Rats...I had everything from yesterday's debacle to do today. oh well.

its a Mom thing. I'm off to make some turkey soup and open up a can of gingerale.