Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I'm a reader, I always have been and I always will be.

I love books.

You can climb into one and just disappear for a while.

I just downloaded the app for my ipod so that I can download books from the library! Oh me oh my!

I've read 24 books in the past month.

All genres too.

I've read werewolf horror novels (not the shiny happy fuzzy puppy werewolf novels either, the dark scary terrifying werewolf stories). Romances, I've rekindled my love for Dorothy Garlock again, and a few other randoms.

I've read some of those fluffy witch and vampire type novels. They're fluffy and fun. Easy reads and well, just an escape from reality.

I've read a couple dramatic novels. Nights in Rodanthe was the most recent, wow....puts everything into a certain perspective thats for sure.

Today I'm reading Fractured by Karin Slaughter ( ) and The 5th Witch by Graham Masterston

I love to randomly look through lists of books. At the bottom of each page on goodreads is a "you may like this book too..." button. Its a special joy to click that and then follow it deeper and deeper. Finding all kinds of neat authors and books that I normally wouldn't have seen.

Hormones, Mood swings, and tweens.

this is the life I lead.

at least these days....

The tall one will be 10 in 11 days. All of a sudden she's grown into a young lady (oh dear god). We got her some new clothes yesterday for her birthday, size12 tall jeans which were impossible to find - only yoga pants and jeggings out there for tall girls these days. ICK we don't wear yoga pants out of the house. Ok, the middle one will - she will wear just about anything without a care in the world. But my tall one, is an extremely self conscious and anxious girl. We did finally luck out and find some nice dark wash bootcut size 12s. they make her look about a million miles tall and confident. Along with a few nice new shirts. Then the boots, no more little kid section boots or shoes for her. she's wearing a size 7 grown up shoe. yikes.

the moods are terrible, one minute smiling and happy, the next dark gloomy and screaming. Oh dear me. I really hope she's not like me in that regard, its a tough life trying to keep up that smiling happy face.

Where did the time go? from a smiling shy little girl hiding behind me if anyone so much as looked in her general direction, to the young lady who can stand up in front of her entire school and say the rosary or say the school prayer. I know she doesn't like to do it, but she does.

Right now they're sitting at their purple tables in the livingroom, watching a movie and eating pizza. Our perfect Saturday. ok, its our normal saturday routine. They play all morning, we go to piano, pickup a $5 pizza then home for a movie. Predictable we are.