Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday, normally a family day but not today.

the Mr had to finish a job today, so off he went bright and early.

The girls were up bloody early today 6:30!!! yesterday too! what the?!?!

but they were playing quiet in a bedroom til they heard me come out and start the coffee, and begin the day.

It was a cold, grey, windy day. Not fit for man nor beast. The garbage can blew across the back yard, and there's an awesome drift in the girls snowfort.

It would be the perfect day to sit in front of the fireplace with a nice warm drink and watch movies or play games. BUT...

The girls were playing so nicely and quietly that I didn't want to do anything to disturb them! So, I washed laundry, scrubbed the showers and tubs (oh how I love my Tilex with bleach), and the toilets too. If the sun would have been shining it would have been really bright down the main hall. but no, its grey and icky.

I did laundry ALL day. Almost done too! Yay me! There's just a bleach load and a towel load left to do. And the ironing pile is huge. maybe tomorrow for that.

I sat on the couch, folding laundry, crocheting a blanket and watching the Sarah Palin's Alaska Marathon. Its a quirky show, they're a funny family. Her voice starts to grate after a while but it was fun. Right when the Mr got home from work (after a very long and miserable drive from Airdrie to here), the episode with Kate +8 was on. Oh how I despise that woman. I have wanted to see that one, just for sheer entertainment. I thought it was sad that she basically talked her kids into leaving - what a way to starve your children of something that they probably will never see again just because you're a freakin princess. We love to camp - I do know that we're all standing under the tent whining about being cold, but none of us give in. lol

Now, the kids are in bed. I've cleaned the kitchen (my own small resolution), the coffee is set, I have a wet sock from stepping in someone's puddle by the door, I have a hot cold cup of tea. Now I'm going to go and work on some more rounds for the tall one's blanket.

I got 8 rounds done today on the blanket - she's excited that its actually bigger now too.

So, farewell Sunday. Its been fun. My house is tidy, my kids are clean and fed, tucked into bed, the laundry is done and I have a good plan for tomorrow.

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